Ingredients and How to make Avocado Ice Cream:

Here’s our 5 simple ingredients: All-Purpose Cream, Condensed Milk, Avocado, Calamansi and Salt.

Avocado Ice Cream Ingredients

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This fruit is so good that can be eaten as it is no need to add sugar or anything. Actually avocado is not sweet, but rich and creamy, a perfect fruit to use for milkshakes, desserts, dips and even savory dish. 

Avocado Ice Cream

Avocado Ice Cream Recipe

This Avocado Ice Cream Recipe is packed with delicious avocado flavor. It's also incredibly easy to make — no ice cream make required.
Prep Time 35 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours
Course Dessert
Cuisine American, Filipino
Servings 6 people
Calories 230 kcal


  • 2 pcs Ripe Avocados, mashed or scooped
  • 1 tbsp. calamansi juice or any citrus
  • 2 packs 250ml nestle cream, well chilled
  • ½ cup sweetened condensed milk
  • A pinch of salt
  • green food coloring (optional)
  • Cashews, roughly chopped for toppings (optional)
  • Chocolate Syrup (optional)


  • To prepare the ice cream, wash avocados and slice, then discard the pit.
    avocado sorbet prep1
  • Scrape the avocado flesh using a teaspoon or a shred peeler, place it on the desired pan, and add the calamansi juice.
  • Add in 2 packs (@250ml) chilled nestle cream, a half cup of sweetened condensed milk, and a pinch of salt.
  • Mix the avocado with an electric mixer until smooth and incorporated.
  • Taste test the avocado mixture. If you wish to be a little bit sweeter, add a bit more from the remaining sweetened condensed milk and mix until well blended. You can do it manually with a whisk if you want, but I find it easy and fast using a hand mixer.
  • Cover with a lid, plastic, or anything and freeze until partially set for about an hour or less. Take off from the freezer and remix it with the electric mixer until smooth, cover and freeze for another hour. Again, please do it for the last time, then...
  • Place in the freezer until firm about 4 hours or overnight.


Check out our 3 Ingredient version of Avocado Ice Cream

Keyword Ice Cream Recipe

You can serve plain avocado ice cream like this if you want pure rich avocado flavor. 
avocado ice cream 4
 Or you can serve Avocado Ice Cream more delightful, by adding cashews for crunchy texture and a drizzle of chocolate syrup on top, promise its surprisingly good and addicting. .

See Also:   Fruit Popsicle Recipe

avocado ice cream 3


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Reader Interactions


  1. Wow, sounds great. Avocados are a great way to get Potassium, which is very important, I think my family will love this recipe. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Wow, I have never tried avocadoes in ice cream before but it looks delicious! I love avocados too, it also sounds like a great way to get the kids to eat them! I will definitely have to give this recipe a try!

    • Hi Lauryn your kids will drawn with this avocado sorbet if you serve them with chocolate syrup on top. I wonder if sprinkles and mallows complements with this sorbet but i guess anything fancy will surely a big hit for kiddos!!

  3. I had heard about something similar on the Food Network and always thought it sounded interesting. I love avacados but I never imagined they would taste good in ice cream. I would love to try it.

  4. Wow….that looks just like lime sorbet. I’ve heard that avocado can be used in desserts (like choc pudding) and not be detected. Sounds great.

  5. I love love love avocados its always my go to snack when im feeling like over indulging a little. So now knowing i could have not only avocados but also ice cream at the same time, awesome!

  6. Hello — just tried this avocado sorbet , and yes it is very good. Can I make a suggestion though.
    Please give a measurement to the amount of avocado , i.e. 1 cup ,2 cups etc in proportion to the other measurements that you listed. We have different sizes of avocados here in Toronto , I am sure all over the world , just so to make it consistent. like your ube receipe , it has a measurement for the ube. Just a suggestion.
    Again , thanks

    • Thanks for visiting and I do appreciate your suggestion. I make sure to give the exact measurement next time, but that was a medium size avocado about 3 to 3½ cups.

    • 5 stars
      Hi Mona, you’re right avocado is healthy for our skin but ice cream not so much. But what I like about making this ice cream is that I can adjust the sweetness and a great way to save our ripe fruits that are often thrown away.

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