guinomis 4


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Check out Video Recipe:


See Also:   Buko Salad a la Coco Mama Recipe | How to Make Buko Salad a la Coco Mama


Here’s our Simple Ingredients: Crushed Ice, Red Gilman, Colored Sago, Brown Sugar Syrup infused with Pandan Leaves, Pinipig and Coconut Milk.

guinomis ingredients

coconut cream and coconu milk

You can also use fresh coconut milk or canned coconut milk or cream. Jelly Grass can be substituted for red gulaman. You can toast or fry your pinipig toppings if you don’t have use rice crispies instead.

guinomis 3

Our Guinomis “Sago in Coconut Syrup with Toasted Pinipig” looks pretty. Our sugar syrup makes our drink more indulging because of the pandan aroma and the coconut milk makes this drink a legit local Pinoy Samalamig.
guinomis fb-pgWe’re done with our Guinomis drink guys, I hope you like our new recipe. Well, I thought this would be our last summer drink, but I guess it’s not… LOL Ed surprised me with a pack of raw Boba Pearl a couple of days ago, so now you have an idea what’s coming up. But, before making some Bubble Milk Tea, I’m going to have a quick break first from drinks so stay tuned. Thanks for visiting and have an awesome week. See you on my next post, bye xo

See Also:   Calamansi Juice Recipe


– oOo –

Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is Love and Inspiration.

I don’t think you can go wrong – Ella Fitzgerald

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