Serves : 6

milky melon sago gulaman 1


See Also:   Guyabano Shake Recipe

Cooking Procedure:

milky melon sago gulaman prep1

milky melon sago gulaman prep2


Look at this lovely color and the aroma is so nice and sweet.  

milky melon

See Also:   Milo Ice Scramble | Milo Iskrambol Recipe

Don’t make this ahead of time, the longer it sits in the fridge the more bitter it taste.   ( I really don’t know why it turns bitter, maybe because of the milk?? or when the melon flesh has been exposed ?? ). 

milky melon sago gulaman 2.

Here’s a simple and easy to make Melon Drink, I hope you will give this a try and have a nice day! Oh dear, I just can’t wait yum..yum.. (ay may kulang, nasaan ang ice LOL.)

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Reader Interactions


  1. Your Melon Sago Drink sounds great. I would love to drink it. I don’t know if I could get all the ingredients where I live

  2. Really like all your postings tho’ I haven’t really tried making any of them.
    Keep the good pinoy food ideas coming, will surely try one, these days off!

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