suman sa gata but-ong1

Suman sa Gata “But-ong Kakanin” Ingredients:

See Also:   Sapin Sapin Recipe

Sweetened Coconut:

Cooking Procedure:

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suman na but-ong

Let it cool slightly then serve with sweetened grated coconut or muscovado sugar. To make the sweetened coconut, mix grated coconut, coconut milk, water and brown sugar in a saucepan. Cook on a low heat, stir continuously until thickens and syrupy. Add the vanilla extract and  mix well. Fire off, transfer on a small bowl and serve with Suman. 

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Anyone can have his or her own version of Suman sa Gata. Since the steps on how to cook Suman sa Gata are quite demanding, it will deem the need for hard work and your time to achieve this delightful sticky and sweet Filipino kakanin.

See Also:   Custaroons or Lecheroons Recipe

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