purple yam jam 1

Purple Yam Jam Ingredients:

See Also:   Espasol Recipe

Cooking Procedure:

purple yam jam prep1

purple yam jam prep2

See Also:   Bibingka na Malagkit Recipe

purple yam jam prep3

My Purple Yam Jam ingredients are measured and ready except for my toppings “grated cheese” which I forgot. 
I always used Alpine full cream milk every time a recipe calls for an evaporated milk, it gives an extra creaminess to it.

purple yam jam 2

You can buy fresh purple yams “Ube” at the local wet markets and these are sold by a kilo. It’s nice to visit wet market once in a while, especially when you have time. Root crops section has a lot of varieties next to purple yams, of course, there’s white and yellow cassava, sweet potatoes, taro and etc… And for those who doesn’t like wet markets, you can also find frozen purple yam at your leading super markets.
purple yam jam 3
This recipe makes (2) big Llaneras or (3) small Llaneras &  if you don’t have this mold you can use a plastic container. 
purple yam jam 4
Purple Yam Jam is another home business to consider, it’s easy to make, very affordable and you can have a good profit from this recipe.

See Also:   Carioca Recipe

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  1. Very interesting. I’ve never heard of this recipe before and it seems like a good home business to do as mentioned.

  2. This looks nice! I will share this with my wife. Last time she cooked this, she wasn’t satisfied with the result.

  3. wow that is different looking! not going to lie though because we do not like YAM! I think my kids would think this is play doh! lol

  4. I know how healthy the root vegetables are as well as purple ones. This also makes it taste better because it is sweet.

  5. This looks really interesting and tasty. I’m not sure where you can get purple yams smack dab in the middle of the U.S., but I’ll be looking. 🙂

  6. This looks very good and I love the color. Now and again we do see purple yams here and I never knew what to do with them. I am wondering if the orange yam could be substituted in this recipe? This is very different and we enjoy yams year round.

    • I haven’t heard and tried orange yam, but if you try making them I hope it will look and taste good. Don’t forget to update us with your orange yam and send us your yam photo, goodluck and thanks!

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