Last weekend, our three beautiful nieces visit us and surprise me with an old set of cookie press cutter. Even though I have a recipe book for cookies I barely use them because I’m not a cookie lover, but what can I do, they really want to try this thing. Since, I wasn’t informed earlier about this baking session, I only had a few ingredients to use. So I let them search for the recipe and they found this easy to make butter cookie from you tube. So our baking journey begins. . .

Makes : 6 dozen

butter cookies 3

See Also:   Ube-Langka Sponge Cake Recipe


Cooking Procedure:

butter cookies prep1

butter cookies prep2

See Also:   Ham and Cheese Empanada Recipe


We made our 1st batch of butter cookies with cornstarch and we use the cookie press cutter. We end up having 3 kinds of shapes the log, flowers and a butterfly and it was fun. Too bad, I forgot to take some photos on how we made them and I can’t even remember how many cookies we made from that recipe.  So that night . . .

butter cookies 2

I decided to make another batch of butter cookies. I have no cornstarch left so I use the cassava flour and instead of using the cookie press I use the regular cookie cutter. And here’s my butter cookies, it turned out well and looks like my favorite Uraro cookies.

butter cookies 1
You can keep these cookies in a cookie jar or an airtight container and store at room temperature. You can also wrap this in Japanese paper and seal it in plastic. These butter cookies will last for a month if properly store. This recipe yields about 6 dozen of mini-cookies.


See Also:   Oatmeal Cookies Recipe

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