Makes : 18

ice buko 1


You also Need:

See Also:   Guinomis Recipe | How to make Guinomis Recipe

Cooking Procedure:

ice buko prep1

ice buko prep2

See Also:   Buko Pandan Drink with Sago Recipe


This hot summer day and rotating brownouts are killing me, I’ve been doing a lot of cooling measures lately. Sitting in front of an electric fan with a cold face towel on my head. I’ve tried wearing wet socks just to stay cool, but it’s not enough, you’ve done this too, right? or just me LOL.  Even taking showers won’t last long, I still feel exhausted and I’m always thirsty. But my loving hubby has his own ideas on beating the heat. Strolling in air-conditioned Malls is what He loves and it works for Him. Yep, His strolling alone, I’m a homebody person so you can’t drag me out of this tiny house unless it’s important. I love being at home, so I come up with a resolution that I’ll be making frozen treats until summer ends! 🙂  

ice buko 4

This is the tool I’m using in making beautiful coconut strings, I have this for a long time, but until now I don’t know what it is. (LOL) When I googled Coconut Scraper it doesn’t look like this one.

ice buko 2

See Also:   Mango-Strawberry Yogurt Popsicle

Indulging in Halo-Halo or Ice cream every day will cost you a lot, especially if you have kids around. A gallon of ice cream is how much?? With all the tantrums and crying of little ones, I bet this will last for only a couple days, LOL. So here’s a remedy for our aching pockets without depriving yourself and kiddos to enjoy their summer. 

ice buko popsicle molds.

I also recommend you to have a Popsicle Mold or at least small plastic cups and popsicle sticks and be creative in making them. Making ice pops is not only a budget saver for us guys but also a great way to recycle leftovers such as coffee, chocolate drink and other fruit juices. 

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