Seasoned bakers and pastry chefs can attest that the quality of their ingredients significantly affects the outcomes of their creations. For this reason, they must use the finest ingredients when baking, including the eggs they opt for. This article lists some benefits of using organic eggs for dessert creation. Enhanced Flavor Profile An enhanced flavor…
Pinoy Ingredients
The Best Filipino Desserts in Taguig City
Try Taguig City’s Best Filipino Desserts Dining out can become a real culinary trip with the top Filipino desserts you can find in Taguig. Amid the rise of cosmopolitan desserts such as Korean concoctions and Italian gelatos, where are local sweets? The top Filipino desserts you can find in Taguig are hot contenders. Mangoes and…
How to Cook Big Sago
How to prepare a perfect and well-cooked tapioca, sago all the time. How to Cook Big Sago. Sago is also known as Tapioca; it is a very versatile condiment mainly used by Filipinos for their kakanin, drinks, and other dessert recipes. It is made from tapioca flour, sugar syrup and form into tiny balls and…
Pumpkin “Kalabasa”
Pumpkin “Kalabasa” Pumpkin or Butternut Squash are very versatile in their uses for cooking. Most parts of the pumpkin are edible, including the fleshy shell, the seeds, the leaves, and even the flowers. When ripe, the pumpkin can be boiled, baked, steamed, or roasted. Pumpkins that are still small and green may be eaten in…
Purple Yam “Ube”
Purple Yam “Ube” The purple yam also known as “Ube” here in the Philippines it is a versatile vegetable. It can be barbecued, roasted, fried, grilled, boiled, baked, smoked and when grated it is processed into a dessert recipe. The vegetable has a rough skin which is difficult to peel, but which softens after heating….
Cassava & Cassava Flour
Cassava is a long brown tuber that has a starchy white flesh. Cassava also called yuca, mogo, manioc, mandioca and kamoteng kahoy. Cassava-based dishes are widely consumed wherever the plant is cultivated; some have regional, national, or ethnic importance. Cassava must be cook properly to detoxify it before it is eaten. Cassava can be…