How to make a delicious and refreshing salad drink recipe.
Melon Sago’t Gulaman Recipe. Another Samalamig favorite that we often drink during summer. So refreshing and delicious, consist of fresh melon, sago, gulaman with a sweet and creamy milk drink made of evaporated milk, condensed milk and cream mixture. This recipe is also easy to prepare; all you have to do is cook the sago and gulaman separately. Combine all prepared ingredients with fresh melon meat and milk mixture. This delicious summer best served when it’s chilled.
Our third salad drink recipe is Melon Sago’t Gulaman, not everybody’s favorite, but it’s delicious too. Honestly, I seldom buy or make this at home because this drink needs to be consumed in a day. I don’t know if you noticed, but Melon has a bitter taste if you store it more than a day. If you want to try this drink, please make in small batches and consume it right away. Melon fruit is sweeter and cheaper when they are in season, and you’ll know if it’s ripe because of its sweet aroma. So let’s start . . .
Makes: 12 cups (12oz.)
Melon Salad:
- 1 pc. (1kl.) Melon, cut in half, seeded and scrape
- 1 (370ml) evaporated milk
- 2½ cups small sago, cooked
- 1 (370ml) alaska crema-asada, chilled
- 3 cups pandan gulaman, cooked & cubed
- 1 (300ml) condensed milk + ½ cup water, to dilute leftover
You Also Need:
12 pcs. 12oz. plastic cups
Check out Video Recipe:
- Let’s prepare our Condiments: First, you need to cook your sago, we need a half cup of small raw sago and cook in 1 liter of boiling water for 15 minutes and then, leave sago covered for another 10 minutes. Drain, rinse, and soak in water, set aside until needed.
- For the Gulaman: We’re going to cook a firm gulaman but if you prefer a softer gulaman adjust and add more water needed. But for this recipe, we need 1(25g) sachet of orange color gulaman, 3½ cups of water and 1/3 cup of sugar. Combine in a pot and stir until gulaman powder and sugar dissolved. Bring to a boil, while stirring continuously and pour it in any container and let it cool down. Chill and cut into cubes and set aside.
- Let’s prepare our Melon: Wash, cut melon in half and discard seeds. Scrape melon meat with a scraper and try to avoid the white part as possible, it has a bitter taste.
- Let’s make our Melon Salad Drink: In a large bowl, pour in chilled Alaska Crema-Asada, evaporated and sweetened condensed milk and mix until well blended. Add in, cooked gulaman, sago and melon and mix well. Chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
- It’s time to Serve: In a tall glass or plastic cups, fill each cup and cover with a lid. Serve melon drink with a large straw and enjoy.
Here’s Our Simple 3-Ingredients: Fresh Melon, Sago, Orange Gulaman, Crema-Asada, Evaporated Milk and Condensed Milk. There’s no better way than using fresh and not so overripe Melon in this recipe.
This recipe is for personal consumption only and if you’re planning on selling it, cook gulaman in 1 liter of water with 1/2 cup of sugar. You can also add whipped cream on top if you want to elevate your melon salad drink. You can exclude whipped cream or use any whipped cream if you don’t have frosty whip powder.
Keep refrigerated and store melon salad drink in an airtight bottle or container, this will last for a day. Although the melon has a longer shelf life than fresh coconuts, you have to consume it in a day, or else it will have a bitter taste. Sago is like a sponge, it will absorb most of the milk in your salad, and if that happens, add a cup of evaporated milk and stir.
Our Melon Sago’t Gulaman is perfectly done, smells good and yummy. I hope you will try this recipe and let me know if you liked it too. I’m going to include the costing of this recipe, for your reference in case you want to know. Stay tuned for my upcoming posts, and I’m going to make a series of Graham Float na Pang Negosyo with Costing. Thanks for visiting guys, and see you on my next post 🙂
Melon Sagot Gulaman Price List:
- 1 pc. (1kl.) Melon P 70.00
- 1 (300ml) condensed milk 48.00
- 3 cups pandan gulaman, cooked 20.00
- 1 (370ml) alaska crema-asada 44.00
- 2½ cups small sago, cooked 20.00
- 1 (370ml) evaporated milk 9.00
- 12 pcs. 12oz. plastic cups @7.00 84.00
- Misc. Electricity, Gas & Water 20.00
======= - Total expenses: P 345.00
Total Exp. : P345.00 ost per container P28.75 Suggested Retail Price P45.00 Projected Profit (55%) P195.00 Note: Profit depends on your SRP (SRP P45.00-P60.00)
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Stay focused, go after your dreams and keep moving toward your goals. – by Cool J
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